large family and more cousins: Glick and Chaplick Family
This started with a picture postcard addressed to my grandparents. Through Viewmate , part of Jewishgen, the Yiddish was translated.
Hannah (
Chana), Sonia's daughter
Aron Chaplick
Gilick/Gillick/ Gillik/Glick
Glick Chaplick
Translated from the back of the postcard, addressed to my grandparents, Sophie Gillick and Meyer Endler:
Translated from the back of the postcard, addressed to my grandparents, Sophie Gillick and Meyer Endler:
To our
dear cousin Sofyeh and cousin
Hendler and family
souvenir of the Bar Mitzvah
Aharon Tchaplik
from us
Yakov, Zeena, Louis, Harry Tchaplik
Chana Gillik
February 21, 1936
Left to Right: Morris Chaplick,Kay Walker, wife of Morris, Ida Chaplick, wife of David, David Glick, Norman Glick, son of David and Ida, Jacob Chaplick, Harry Chaplick, son of Jacob and Zena, Zena Glick, Hannah, daughter of Sonia Glick, Louis Chaplick, Jennie Reisman, wife of Louis, Charna Sugarman, mother of Jennie and Bella, Bella Reisman, Sonia Glick
Through finding an amazing 50th Anniversary celebration notice in the Canadian Jewish Review and discovering the descendants, I was able to find someone who could identify family members in this picture postcard. However the cousin Sonia who wrote the Bar Mitzvah postcard remains elusive. She is with her daughter Hanna in the pictures. When did she die and where is she buried? How are they related to my grandmother?
Pinchus Glick had 4 children: Zena, David, Sonia and Yaakov. Moshe’s father was
Yankel (Yaakov ) and his father was Pinchas.
I did find the index of Sonia's birth record, her name was Sura Gilyk and she was born 28 Feb 1905 in Kishinev, Bessarabia.
In her daughter Hannah's July 1948 Border Crossing, she is the contact person and her name is given as Sonia Feldman who lived at 373 Markham St, Toronto. In the 1966 celebration of her parents' 50th anniversary, Sonia and her husband are referred to as Mr. and Mrs. I Feldman. With them was Pearl, perhaps a daughter of Sonia's husband's first marriage.
Hannah was born 21 May 1927 in Kishinev. She died 1 Dec 2012. In her obituary I discovered that her father's first name was Aron. A relative told me that in her eulogy, she found out that Hannah's father died when Hannah was 4 and she grew up as an only child.