Friday, 22 May 2020

Segal Family

While researching my Segal relatives, I found the names, Masinistru, Cotiugariu and Mogistru in the Botosani Spreadsheets.

Whileas Zisel Steinberg was Marcu Segal's wife and mother of the children in Montreal, the Botosani Marriage  Record has Marcu with an Unknown woman, Haia Ruhal. Who is she and what happened to her?

The Quebec Drouin Records has Zisel Steinberg as the mother in her identified childrens' marriages. Marcu Segal is Zisel's husband and the childrens' father.

In the Botosani Records' spreadsheets, a mystery emerges. Marcu, son of Iosef Smil and Bruha Sigal married Haia Ruhal daughter of Zeilig and Mariem, An alternative name, Cotiugariu is also given. In the spreadsheets, a range of dates is given. The marriage was between 1876-1885. What is the meaning of an alternative name and the significance of the name Cotiugariu?

I have not found any marriage of Marcu to Zisel Steinberg. Nor do I see any family name of Steinberg related to Zisel.

Zisel was found with the name Zisla  and she and Marcu were the parents of 4 children. Surname was Masinistru in Avram's Birth Record. Where does the name Masinistru come from and what is the relationship to the name Segal?

Avram, born 1881-1885; witness, Smil Sigal (father of Marcu)

Fisel, born 1881-1885; father signed M. Mogistru. What is the reason for Mogistru and not Segal?

Ude, born 1886-1890

Feiga Ruhlea, born 1886-1890

Ude and Feiga Ruhlea were twins; witness, Leiba Sigal

I also found 5 children for Marcu and his wife Haia Ruhal, in light of the above Marriage Record.

Pinhas, born 1881-1885

Estera, 1881-1885

Freida, 1886-1890

Noiah, Noeh, 1896-1900; died 1896-1900

Pesia, 1901-1905; Mother is Haia, mother's surname is Cotiugariu, as mentioned above

Seven of the above children do not match the children in names or birthdates of those who immigrated to Montreal. The two who may match: Avram may be my grandfather. Pesia may be Bessie but her mother was Zisel Steinberg according to her Montreal Marriage Record.
So what happened to these children?

The family members who lived in Montreal as evidenced by childrens' Quebec Marriage Records were parents Marcu Segal and Zisel Steinberg and 8 children.

Abraham, born 1885

Lena, born 1891

Phillip Pinchas, born 1894

Adela Adiyl, born 1896

Esther Ruchel, born 1897

Tilly, born 1899

Julius Adel, born 1899

Bessie Pesia, born 1902

The Canadian Passenger List for the ship S.S. Mount Temple included Marcu Segall, age 52, wife Sisel, age 40 and 3 sons, Pinchas, age 16, Edel, age 9 and Tobia, age 4. They arrived 28 Nov 1910 in St John, New Brunswick. Departure from Antwerp. A column noted that all family were in a hospital. Destination relative was son, brother, Adolph (presumably Abraham).

Zisel died 15 Jul 1915. Her gravestone had her name inscribed, Zicel Sigal. Translation : Religious and modest woman Mrs. Zisel daughter of Yeruham Fishel wife of Mordechai Sigal died (Hebrew date = July 7 1915) (Acronym תנצבה = may her soul be bound in the bundle of life)

Pinchas, age 16, on the 1910 Passenger List, married Sophie Levine 21 Mar 1920. They had 3 children, Jack Jacob, Sylvia and Harry Mark.

Edel, age 9, on the 1910 Passenger List, could be Julius Adel. The translation on his gravestone, Here lies Adel, son of Mr. Mordechai Died on the 2nd of Cheshvan, 5721. May his soul be bound up for life eternal. His age transcribed is 61.

Julius married Rachel Ray Segal 12 Jun 1927. They were first cousins. Rachel Ray was the daughter of David Hirsh Tzvi Hers Herscu, brother of Marcu, and Blima Weis. Julius and Rachel Ray had one son, Mark Segal.

Tobia, age 4, is listed as a male on the 1910 Passenger List. I asked for a translation of a gravestone for Tillie Segal. Translation: Toibe daughter of Mr. Mordechai the Levite, died 9th of Cheshvan 5696

I wasn't sure whether this Tillie was a sister to my grandfather. However her father's name is Mordechai which does fit. Also Tillie was married briefly to David Goldberg, Quebec Marriage Certificate, 28 Oct 1923. I wasn't sure whether she reverted to her maiden name. The Passenger Record from 1910 is where a "Tobia" is listed as male with parents and 2 brothers. Tobia was age 7, so born about 1903. It seems like there is an error in gender.

The 1921 Census has Marcu, age 50, wife with the name of Rachel, age 50, children, Tilly, age 22, Julius, age 20 and Bessie, age 18. The family lived at 1349 Clark St in Montreal.The Census has Marcu, many years younger. His age varies widely depending on each document and his gravestone.

On 19 Dec 1915, Marcus, age 53, married Czerna Schaffer. Czerna's gravestone is inscribed with the name of Charna, died at the age of 74, 1 May 1946. The translation: Here lies dear woman, woman of valor and housewife Tzerna daughter of Avraham Nuta, died 30 Nissan 5706.

So there is another mystery. Who is Rachel, the wife of Marcu, listed in the 1921 Census?

Marcu died 5 Mar 1929. Translation of his gravestone: Here lies Our dear father Mordechai son of Yosef Shmuel HaLevi Died 23 Adar 1 5689 May his soul be bound up in the bond of (everlasting) life.
Continuing with Marcu and Zisel's 5 other children in Montreal:

Abraham Segal married Leah Goldberg 1 Jun 1912 in Montreal.

In 1921, Abraham, age 34 and Leah, age 32, lived on 447 Laval in Montreal with 4 children, Samuel, age 8, Benny, age 6, Suzanne, age 4 and Libah, age 3.Their other children born were Bertha, Jack and Harry.

Lena Segal married Jules Peter, Pinchas Yehuda, Pincu Segall 19 Mar 1916 in Montreal. They were first cousins. Jules Peter was the son of David Hirsh Tzvi Hers Herscu, brother of Marcu, and Blima Weis. Lena and Jules Peter had 2 children, Sydney and Byrdie

Brothers Marcu and Herscu had 2 children who married 2 children in each other's family:

Lena and Jules Peter and Julius and Rachel Ray.

Herscu and Blima had a third child, a daughter Clara. Clara married Joe Gershonberg, 21 Jun 1931 in Montreal, They had a son Stanley.

In the Botosani Spreadsheets, I found 2 more births for Herscu and Blima Sigal

Sura, born 1891-1895

Simon Hers, born 1896-1900; Witnesses: Marcu Segal, Simon son of Iancu

Adela Adyil Segal also married a Segal: Jake Jacob Yaakov Dovid Segall, 10 Sep 1918 Jacob was the son of Simcha Simon Segall and Gitel Graziella Pascal. I don't know how Simcha is related to Marcu and Herscu. Adela and Jake had 5 children, Louis, Cecile, Sadie, Rose and Maurice.

Esther Ruchel Segal married Louis Yehuda Leib Rotstein Rothstein 17 Jun 1917 in Montreal. They had one known daughter, Fannie Fayga Bayla who died at age 10.

Bessie Pesia Segal married Jack J Light 9 Sep 1925 in Montreal. Jack died 14 Nov 1959. They had one daughter, Sylvia. Bessie married Max Horovitz 27 Aug 1960.

Marcu and Herscu had another brother Idel. In the Botosani spreadsheets, I found Idel, son of Smil and Bruha Sigal, married Pesia, daughter of Ioina Aron and Haia, between 1886-1895. Between 1896-1900, Idal Sigal died, spouse Pesia.